
A New Drug Developed in Japan That Could Stop Flu in One Single Day

Flu Drug

That day isn’t far from now where the one who is suffering from flu could just stop that flu virus within the body, in just one day that too with just one pill. This fact is based on an announcement that was made on Sat 24 Feb, and that day may come in any near soon by May in Japan. The Japanese pharmaceutical company; Shionogi, announced, that the medication for Flu, which they have developed-Xofluza also called as baloxavir marboxil, has got the approval of manufacturing and selling it in Japan.

Starting in October 2015, the medication had undergone a priority review by the “Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare” of Japan. Shionogi file for this approval during the Autumn in 2017. Compared to the Tamiflu that requires two doses per day for five long days, seemingly only one dose of Xofluza will be required for treating the flu. Despite the approval of Xofluza, people will need to wait till the National insurance of Japan sets a price for this new flu medication. This report is as per the journal written by Preetika Rana to the Wall Street Journal, where she writes this may not happen until May.

Taking steps at an early stage before the virus leads to replicate, Xofluza might just stop an infection of flu virus sooner than the inhibitors f neuroaminidase. Those who took baloxavir marboxil also had measurement of minimum viruses than those who took the oseltamivir the entire first three days of the flu infection. This baloxavir marboxil also seemed to have reduced the duration of the flu symptoms.

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According the Alphaville’s word, this new flu drug might be big in Japan. However, one sad thing is Xofluza won’t be obtainable right in time, for helping the individuals with the flu season that’s running currently, where a rasping flu season has highly marked the need for a better cure in treating the flu. Apparently, Xofluza may require a year to reach the market of U.S. But one thing is sure now; one pill a day and one will be out of flu, happening in reality.

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