
Telepathy Revolution; Scientists Fuses Three Brains that can Share Thoughts

Telepathy Revolution

Lately, there’s a huge breakthrough in the field of neuroscience. Scientists have delivered a mental message from one individual to another, across 4,000 miles away, successfully in the world’s first telepathy experiment. Neuroscientists have connected two human brains through a machine, allowing them all to play a shared game of the Tetris with their own minds. They connected one human brain in India linked to a sensitive headset to the internet with another to an identical device in Paris. When the first individual thought of a very simple thing like “Hello”, the recipient residing in France was aware of that thought. The machine works through electroencephalograms (EEGs) that record electrical impulses inside the brain, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS); where using the magnetic fields neurons get stimulated.

The subject who receives the message is not capable of seeing the word itself but is capable of correctly reporting flashes of light in the peripheral vision, which corresponded to the exact moment just when the word “Hello” was imagined. Almost after working for 10 years on the subject, this groundbreaking experiment was carried through by team-leading scientists from the Harvard University of America. The researchers behind this invention dubbed the machine named “BrainNet” and believe that in the near future it could support numerous brains that would be able to act intrinsically telepathically. The team from the Carnegie Mellon University and Washington University wrote in their published paper in the online journal “arXiv”. It’s written that they present “BrainNet” that in their knowledge, is going to be the first non-invasive multi-person brain-to-brain interface directly collaborative issue solving.

For conducting this experiment the scientists had set-up, two senders, those who were connected to the EEG electrodes and were asked to play the Tetris game where they had to make decisions about the rotation of blocks needed or not. Dr. Ruffini added that they hope this could bring a radical change in the way communication occurs with each other, in the longer terms. The scientists conclude saying that this invention could raise the brain-brain interface possibility in the future.

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