Researchers in Victoria, Australia found the new species of dinosaurs, that were very small in size. Paleontologists found the remains of the little dinosaur’s species, which is unique and located in the excavation process in Victoria Australia. The little dinosaurs were never documented, and this is the first time scientists have found this herbivore species. According to the research published in the Journal of Paleontology, the small herbivore dinosaur is named as Galleonosaurus dorisae. The little plant-eater dinosaur existed in Australia over 125 million years ago before the extinction.
Even though the species was small, it had some strong legs to commute and avoid the obstacles. The Galleonosaurus dorisae was of short stature and existed in the densely forested regions of Australia. The small foot helped him to duck away from the fearsome carnivore animals like Lions and big dinosaurs. Rift valley in Victoria, Australia has provided enough resources to the Paleontologists with the existence of the remains of these small statute herbivore dinosaurs. This is one of the most important discoveries, as Galleonosaurus Dorisae was never documented before and itβs the first time someone has ever spotted them.
Researchers found the fossilized remains in the volcanic sediment, which kept them intact from the outside environment for millions of years. According to the researchers, the volcanic ash flew from the east and then settled with the remains of the dinosaurs over 100 million years ago. Dr. Matthew Herne of the University of New England, who is working as lead researchers on this mission said that the land on which these animals thrived is now gone. But the sediment and the remains will provide them with the snapshot of the old times. It is unique to see that the isolated land mass like Australia is having the remains of dinosaurs. It is now easier for scientists and paleontologists to find the dinosaurs in Australia with this discovery.

Carolyn is a technology graduate and loves to write about anything related to technology as well as writes in others sectors. Carolyn is a professional writer with over 7 years of experience. Initially starting off as a programmer, Carolyn decided to combine her knowledge about technology and writing and that’s how she joined Reporter Expert.