The billionaire Bill Gates whose net worth was more than $100 billion said that the best investment which he made in his entire career was putting $10 billion into the Global Health Organisations. The billionaire cum philanthropist Bill Gates while giving an interview said that he always wanted to help all those people who are in need who can’t get the right type of treatment because of lack of funds, but the organisations in which he has invested has so far helped millions of people. According to Bill Gates, he and his wife Melinda has invested more than $10 billion of investment in significant health organisations namely; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; the Global Fund; and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.
These organisations are formed to help all those impoverished nations which are suffering from malnourishment and chronic diseases, and according to Bill Gates, his investment has been rightly used to help needy people. There are many big corporations which invest a tremendous amount of money to earn the profit, but there are very few philanthropists like Bill Gates who likes to solve the global issues. According to Gates, if he had invested these amount of money into the S&P 500 stock, then he would’ve got 12-15 billion dollars, but instead of spending in there, he decided to allocate these funds to vaccines, bed nets drugs to the needy countries.
The amount of money which bill gates have earned so far is huge, and there are very few people who has got that much amount of wealth on his name. However, Bill and Melinda think that the big organisations needs more funding for doing this type of good work and they expect that in future big corporations will also add the right amount of money to these Global organisations.

Paul is an American-based writer covering Latest business trends. Paul cover Business and media for many news sites. He has been breaking news and writing features on these topics for major publications since 2012. Paul prefers writing about business news keeping science and technology into perspective.