The world of “Destiny 2” keeps on flourishing with its Season 3 launch for Xbox One, Play Station 4, and for the PC players as well. Season 3 of this game comes with Expansion in Destiny 2: II: Warmind that features more endgame content, a new hero named Ana Bray and a new boss, voice cover by Jamie Chung of the Marvel’s “The Gifted”. The game also revamps few exotic masterworks, weapons, and other features of the game such as the ranked Crucible.
As per Polygon, the Crucible will now enable players in keeping tracks of their ranks using the Valor and new Glory systems. Glory is for the competitive players, those who want to keep an eye on the loss or wins, whilst Valor is for the casual players. Gamers will witness the fluctuations in Glory score, but the Valor score will only be escalating over time.
At the Activision news release, the general manager and the executive vice president of “Destiny” sated that they are excited about the future franchise of “Destiny”, and as partners with the “Bungie”, together that have adopted several steps in creating a dialogue between those who play the game and those who make it. Further he added saying that “Warmind presents further steps towards bringing the hobby of “Destiny 2 “back to their dedicated players.
Players those ogling for an experience of “Destiny 2” should check out the Escalation Protocol of the endgame activity. This challenging approach has players fighting through the waves of Hive combatants, which increases the difficulty as the players proceed playing. The Season 3 of “Destiny 2” is also celebrating the release with the uncloaking of the second Raid lair of the game, which will start over live on May 11. It’s also known as the “Spire of Stars”.
Perhaps the players of “Destiny 2” are already wagering on, who the boss of “Spire of Stars” might be on the subreddit of Destiny. The “Destiny 2 Expansion II: Warmind is obtainable individually at $19.99. Players can own the expansion as a chunk of the Expansion pass of “Destiny 2” for $34.99 that includes both the Expansion I & II on Xbox One, PC, and PS4.

Jeffrey is acting editor in chief of AmazingNews24 with over seven years of experience in the field of online news under his belt. Jeffrey has worked with multiple media houses and is currently leading a team of journalists, sub-editors and writers through his entrepreneurial endeavours.