A new vaccine has been recently developed by scientists and researchers at the School of Medicine, Stanford University which when tested on mice with tumors has been found to destroy those tumors in eighty seven out of a group of ninety mice. The researchers are now trying to develop this vaccine further so that it can be used for humans too and if successful then it will allow the destruction of tumors.
The vaccine created by the researches at Stanford University, contained a couple of immune-stimulating components which were so effective that as soon as the formula was injected, it killed all tumors in the region and also destroyed nearby tumors in regions that were not initially treated with the vaccine. In three out of the ninety mice that were used for the testing, the vaccine was ineffective when first injected, however when injected again for the second time, the tumors were destroyed.
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During the release of the report on the vaccine, Dr. Ronald Levy, Professor of Oncology, said that the usage of the two immune-stimulating agents is what has made the vaccine eliminate the tumors so effectively and the method that is involved in application or injection of this vaccine involves very small amounts of these immune-stimulating agents. Dr. Levy also believes that if this vaccine is able to stimulate the immune system as a whole then it can eliminate any type of tumor.
Treatment for cancer can be pretty expensive for many patients because the usual procedures involve treatment of the entire immune system. Thus, the team is trying to come up with a better version this vaccine because this formula if developed in a way that it can be used to treat human beings, can prove to be an affordable cure for most. The scientists will organize a small trial involving fifteen patients who have lymphoma at its earliest stage and if the vaccine does work then it will possibly eliminate the requirement of an entire day’s surgical removal of tumors that a patient usually goes through.

Carolyn is a technology graduate and loves to write about anything related to technology as well as writes in others sectors. Carolyn is a professional writer with over 7 years of experience. Initially starting off as a programmer, Carolyn decided to combine her knowledge about technology and writing and that’s how she joined Reporter Expert.