Researchers have found a new method for the treatment of diabetes and improve overall health. According to a new study, time-restricted eating could be beneficial in managing diabetes conditions better. The journal Cell Metabolism carried the latest study. Researchers said a ten hours time-restricted eating along with traditional medications produces good results in patients who are at a high risk of increased blood sugar levels. Researchers said the new method resulted in weight loss and effectively cut abdominal fat as well. Besides, it also lowered the cholesterol ratio and brought the blood pressure under control. The sugar level was stable in patients who followed the new method. Also, the insulin level was influenced positively in the liver.
The time-restricted eating is a form of daily fasting and it doesn’t require calories counting. The person eats limited during 8 to 12 hours and fast during the remaining 12 to 16 hours of the day. Researchers said this eating habit when coupled with traditional medications gives patients the ability to manage their blood sugar levels significantly. To come to this conclusion, researchers studied the eating pattern of 13 men and six women diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. Participants were asked to delay their first meal and advance the last meal each day. Researchers observed participants did not report any adverse effects. The study was conducted by the Salk Institute and the UC San Diego School of Medicine.
Participants were reported to have experienced improved sleep. They also showed reduced blood pressure risk and cholesterol. They reported three to four percent cut in body weight and body mass index as well. Blood sugar levels and insulin levels were also improved greatly. The study noted eating all calories within a window of ten hours maximizes other health benefits as well. It regulates the sleep-wake cycle and affects every cell of the body. Past studies have concluded that erratic eating habits have an adverse effect on the body. It disrupts the circadian rhythms, increases metabolic syndrome risk and other metabolic disorders. This gives rise to abdominal fat, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.

Jeffrey is acting editor in chief of AmazingNews24 with over seven years of experience in the field of online news under his belt. Jeffrey has worked with multiple media houses and is currently leading a team of journalists, sub-editors and writers through his entrepreneurial endeavours.