Instant messaging service provider Telegram is bringing support for group video calling. The platform allowed group voice call so far but it prevented users from making group video conferencing calls. It said that users can now turn the voice group chats into video calls. The support is being rolled out for its iOS and Android apps. Desktop users can also make video calls. Users will only require having the latest version. Telegram is a hugely popular messaging chat service. It provides end-to-end encryption. The company said that users can also pin someone’s video feed to the screen. This way they can stay front and center in the frame.
Telegram’s group video calling can have limited participants. A maximum of 30 participants can join a conference call. It said that the first 30 users who join a group voice call can take part in the video call. Telegram said that it will increase the number of users soon. It also said that the product team is testing to expand voice chats to live events. Besides, the company is working on launching several new features to increase user engagement. Users can make video group calls on the smartphone, computers, and tablets. Telegram said that users can also share screens. This will be helpful during a presentation or in case of showing products or something to others. The company has added a button to allow users to share their screens. They can also share camera feed at the same time.
Telegram expects that the group video calls will help in expanding the user base. The new support on Telegram comes at a time when people continue to work remotely due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The demand for group video calls increased during the lockdowns last year and still rising. Several platforms saw an exponential jump in new users. Telegram could attract new users given its end-to-end encryption policy. Telegram last year noted that there is a need for a trusted video communication tool as people bank on numerous software to stay connected. The new video calling support is believed to a part of Telegram’s strategy to bring a new tool with an emphasis on the importance of security. Telegram users doubled from 200 million in April 2018 to 400 million in April 2020.

Carolyn is a technology graduate and loves to write about anything related to technology as well as writes in others sectors. Carolyn is a professional writer with over 7 years of experience. Initially starting off as a programmer, Carolyn decided to combine her knowledge about technology and writing and that’s how she joined Reporter Expert.