At time listening long voice messages on WhatsApp get really tiresome and users often wish to a little faster. Looks like WhatsApp has apparently listened to users. The instant messaging app is reportedly testing different playback speeds for Android and iOS. According to reports, WhatsApp is testing voice messages through the Google Play beta program and Apple’s TestFlight Beta program. The company is reportedly testing three different playback speeds. The feature will allow users to speed up messages up to 1.5x and 2.0x. However, the feature is still in the development phase and not available to the general public.
The feature will allow users to increase the speed of playback voice messages by tapping on the speed label available on the message. However, there is no confirmation about the exact steps needed to speed up the voice message. There is no confirmed release date for the feature. And therefore there is apprehension about whether the development will ever make it to the mainstream. But one thing is clear that the feature will be well received by those who don’t like listening to long messages. The company is also planning to offer a Web Beta Program for Android and iOS. The development comes weeks after the company confirmed that it will provide end-to-end encrypted audio and video calls on the desktop.
Meanwhile, the company has been surrounded by a lot of controversy over its updated privacy policy. The world’s leading instant messaging app has been trying hard to explain its new privacy to users. The Facebook-owned company has been claiming that the new policy will in no way affect the privacy of individual chats. It said that the move will open avenues for businesses. There is also some confusion related to how it will implement its updated privacy policy. However, the company has now fixed a date before which users will have to accept its privacy. In case of not doing so, they won’t be able to read new messages.

Jeffrey is acting editor in chief of AmazingNews24 with over seven years of experience in the field of online news under his belt. Jeffrey has worked with multiple media houses and is currently leading a team of journalists, sub-editors and writers through his entrepreneurial endeavours.