In the coming 2018 addictively playing video games can lead to a diagnosis of a serious mental health disorder. In the beta draft of its upcoming “11th International Classification of Diseases”, the World Health Organization (WHO) in its list of mental health conditions adds a “gaming disorder”. The WHO interprets this “gaming disorder” as a “recurrent or persistent” behavioral pattern of sufficient severity as an outcome in important impairment in personal, social, family, educational, occupational, or even other significant fields of sufferings.
This disorder is characterised by “impaired control” with a rising priority given to escalation and gaming, despite all the negative sequels.
Either offline or online, video game playing must be normally conspicuous over a period of not less than 12 months, for this diagnosis to happen, as per the beta draft guidance. Whatsoever, if symptoms are frightful and all requirements are met, professionals of health care may include people those who have been playing for a short time span, the draft states.
A spokesperson for the WHO; Gregory Hartl said that the new entry of ICD-11 on gaming disorder incorporates only a clinical description and not any treatment and prevention.
The existing version of this ICD was favoured by the decision making a body of the WHO; the World Health Assembly, back in May 1990 and recently is used by over 100 countries across the globe. The upcoming version of the ICD will get published in May 2018.
This inclusive list is intended for making scientists for comparing and sharing health information between regions and countries, and hospitals. It also lets the health care workers in comparing data within the same location over various periods of time. Secondarily, experts of public health use the ICD for tracking the number of deaths and diseases.
The ICD lists of WHO includes both the physical and mental disorders. The DSM-5 or the Diagnostic and Statistical Mental Disorders, the Fifth, is the latest manual constructed by the American Psychiatric Association and comprises mental disorders only. Ferguson; a professor of physiology at Stetson University states the DSM has entered the “Internet Gaming Disorder” an offered category.

Jeffrey is acting editor in chief of AmazingNews24 with over seven years of experience in the field of online news under his belt. Jeffrey has worked with multiple media houses and is currently leading a team of journalists, sub-editors and writers through his entrepreneurial endeavours.