Everybody is trying to find out how to live during hard times and save their precious lives during the pandemic situation; the UK is giving some hope to the world. A recent report from the UK shows that the government is aiming to roll out a vaccine for coronavirus by the end of September. The UK could roll out 30 million doses of the coronavirus by the end of September with the help of AstraZeneca, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.
AstraZeneca said researchers from Oxford University had found the vaccine for coronavirus. However, they will have to wait until the end of July. Since the human trials are going to be tested, it will take some time to get the required results. However, with the collaboration researchers of Oxford University with Jenner Institute are going to find out the actual results of the vaccine on humans by the end of July. The human trials for this vaccine started on April 14, and experts think it will take a lot of time.
According to experts, we should expect at least 12-18 months of vaccine getting released on a global level, since getting the results, and producing on a vast scale requires lots of effort plus time. The development of vaccines for coronavirus is getting quite tense since some countries are saying, they see it as a race. Some are working together to find the cure for a deadly disease, which is taking thousands of peoples lives. AstraZeneca said they are collaborating with other countries to make sure they will not face any problems while distributing this vaccine. The company said they are putting lots of effort into getting the right vaccine which usually takes lots of years.

Carolyn is a technology graduate and loves to write about anything related to technology as well as writes in others sectors. Carolyn is a professional writer with over 7 years of experience. Initially starting off as a programmer, Carolyn decided to combine her knowledge about technology and writing and that’s how she joined Reporter Expert.