On, December 15th, Google Maps announced that they are including a new update on the app and this will assure accuracy in terms of reaching your destination correctly and in the right time. The “Get off the Bus” notification will keep the users attentive and allow them to get down at the right stop or station when they are travelling in a bus or taking a train. In the past, Google Maps have provided instruction and details to travelers who tried to reach a destination by foot, or took a car. Now, the same facilities are being given to those who avail public transport like busses or trains. The map will also give notification as to where the user is at specific time intervals to help the user stay alert.
Some people might fine the “Get off the Bus” notifications to be an unnecessary detail, but then again there are many who depend on public transport and need some king of an alert while on transit. With the Google Maps running on the phone in background, occasional notifications will pop up giving details regarding the current location, time left before arrival and also distance from the destination. While walking, the user will have to continuously check the phone for the step by step instruction give by the Google Maps, however while travelling on a vehicle, there is far more time to allow the map to run on its own and provide the necessary information and all they have to do is plan the route on the Map and hit Start when the train or the bus begins its journey.
While travelling many people are in the habit of doing some activity on the train or bus, if they have a little time in hand, for example, some might listen to music, read books or the newspaper, or even check their updates on social networking sites and all this tend to make people quite distracted and there is a good possibility of them losing their stop. Thus the ongoing notifications on Google Maps are quite an upgrade to bring in a “full navigation mode.”

Carolyn is a technology graduate and loves to write about anything related to technology as well as writes in others sectors. Carolyn is a professional writer with over 7 years of experience. Initially starting off as a programmer, Carolyn decided to combine her knowledge about technology and writing and that’s how she joined Reporter Expert.